Who are we?

Lloyd Brown

Lloyd Brown - Founder Punga Trading & KiwiKrypto

Lloyd has a background in international trade and finance. Having over 20 years experience in international payments, and more recently using Bitcoin as a payment mechanism, he has a strong interest in blockchain. He is passionate about digital currencies revolutionising the financial system for the advancement of all people globally.

Easy Crypto NZ technology partner

Janine Grainger

Janine Grainger – Founder Easy Crypto NZ

Janine is the engine that keeps us running. She's a whiz with all things financial and legal, and she handles the external side of the business.

She's trained in economics and finance and brings a diverse background that spans consulting, banking, strategy and major events.

Alan Grainger

Alan Grainger - Founder Easy Crypto NZ

Alan is the tech brains behind easycrypto.nz. He's been working in IT since he was a wee lad of 17 years old! He's been the IT Manager for companies like Sanitarium and L'Oreal, and has 20 years of tech experience behind his belt.

His biggest pet peeve is things not being easy for people, hence his involvement in blockchain and digital currency exchange services.

The goal

We realised that there are huge barriers of entry for people just starting out. There's a lot to learn and to be honest, it can be a bit scary! We wanted to create an easy and safe way for others to get involved.

With KiwiKrypto our mission is to make cryptos accessible and understandable for all South Africans.

Come with us on the journey, and let's make South Africa a driving force in the crypto age.

KiwiKrypto wants to make it easy for any South African to buy into the crypto market - no matter how much they have to invest.

See our full list of coins we sell. Vote for your favourite coins here!

We're open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Security is critical to us.

  • This site is only available via SSL.
  • Sign in is only linked to trusted platforms.

All prices are in ZAR.
